Naga society is blessed to have strong customs and traditions whereby we take care of the elder people who are helpless and in need of care

Directorate of Social welfare celebrated International Day of Older Persons 2020 with the theme “Pandemics: Do they change how we address age and ageing” at the Social welfare Director’s chamber on 1st October 2020.
President Senior Citizen Association Nagaland Khekiye K Sema IAS (Rtd) speaking at the event said that Social Welfare is an important department as much can be done towards the upliftment and protecting the welfare of the old age people. Sema said that senior citizens have much to contribute towards the society with their years of experiences yet very less opportunity is given to them. He also stated that Naga society is blessed to have strong customs and traditions whereby we take care of the elder people who are helpless and in need of care. Sema also reminded the younger generations to keep the traditions alive and take care of elderly people.
Sema also urged the department to create a social order and norms to improve the welfare services and well-being of the senior citizen and the society as a whole.
The Department also gave awards to two distinguished senior citizens commemorating the event.
Meluri observes international day of older persons
A programme to mark International Day of Older Persons was held at Meluri Village Council Hall on 1st October 2020 organised by Miiluori Shefiiri Kiigharii on the theme “Pandemic, do they change, how we address age and ageing”.

Z. Nyusietho Nyuthe was the guest speaker who emphasised on how older people paved the way for the young. He encouraged the senior citizens to be content with their lives and not ponder on old grudges and mistakes. The speaker expressed happiness that there was no history regarding the contraction of COVID-19 among the Meluri elderly people. Out of 138 older people above 75 years, 44 male and 47 females, a total of 91 attended the programme.
Keynote address was delivered by Poriitho Ngouri
CDPO Meluri and vote of thanks was delivered by Nyuletho Nyuthe. The program
was chaired by Kuothosie, President, MSK.