Prof.Sibnath Deb, Director, RGNIYD, Ministry of Youth & Sports described the importance of emotional intelligence and its role in strengthening one’s resilience

Department of Psychology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Govt. of India organized a two-day National Workshop on “Building resilience and enhancing emotional intelligence” on 21-22 January 2022.
The inaugural programme of the two day online National Workshop on “Building resilience and enhancing emotional intelligence” commenced with a welcome address by Dr.Kakali Goswami, Assistant Professor, RGU. Dr. Dharmeshwari Lourembam, Head i/c, Department of Psychology, RGU summarized briefly the proceedings of the 2-day workshop.

Dr. N.T.Rikam, Registrar addressed the program by congratulating the department on organizing such pertinent programmes that are in need of an hour. In his address, Prof. Amitava Mitra Pro Vice-Chancellor, RGU, briefed about the importance of the topic and esteemed resource persons. Prof.Sibnath Deb, Director, RGNIYD, Ministry of Youth & Sports described the importance of emotional intelligence and its role in strengthening one’s resilience. Honorable chief guest Prof.Saket Kushwaha, VC, RGU, wished the team and advised that the content of the programme should also be available in some form of manual and documents for the students for the larger benefit.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Satchut Parsun Mandal, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, RGU.
There were 4 resource experts to deliver the technical sessions. On the first day, there were five technical sessions.
Dr. Chandita Baruah, Head & Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology, Assam Don Bosco University, delivered the first two technical sessions on the topic ‘’Understanding resilience and ways to improve” followed by an activity session for awareness and enhancement of Resilience.
Technical Session 3 on the topic ‘Understanding Emotional intelligence and ways to enhance it’ was delivered by Dr.Sandeep Panchal Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Rajiv Gandhi University.
Ms. Sampreety Das, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology, Assam Don Bosco University, presided over the fourth technical session on ‘Management of Emotional intelligence’ followed by activities on emotional awareness and management.
On the second day, Dr. Kakali Goswami, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, presided over the first technical session on ‘Knowing National Youth Policy 2014 and Sustainable Development Goals’. The next session was presented by Dr. Chandita Baruah, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology, Assam Don Bosco University, who spoke on ‘Training strengthening of Resilience.
Total of 50 participants was presented via the google meet platform.
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