The relationships without love with people and nature cause all kinds of behavioural pollution and needs to be controlled at all levels

“We have learned many lessons from the lockdown in changing the lifestyle based on needonomics with needolove as a new normal,” opined Former Vice Chancellor and Kurukshetra based Needonomist, Professor M.M. Goel. He was delivering the webinar on the topic ‘Lockdown Lifestyle based on Needonomics with Needolove’ at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonipat today. Prof. (Dr.) Viney Kapoor Mehra Vice Chancellor delivered a welcome address and presented a citation on the achievements of Prof. M.M .Goel.
Needolove as love for the needs and work with zeal for satisfying them and do our jobs in a joyous manner with no to greed guarantees success in all walks of life, believes Prof. Goel.
The relationships without love with people and nature cause all kinds of behavioural pollution and needs to be controlled at all levels, said Prof. Goel.
We have to learn from UNESCO report ‘Learning the Treasure Within’, meaning thereby learning to know, learning to do, learning how to live together and learning to be, said Prof. Goel.
To implement National Education Policy 2020 with a focus on HOTS- Higher Order Thinking Skills with creativity, innovation, and critical thinking, we need to redesign curriculum and pedagogy inculcating glocal (thinking globally and acting locally) value system, believed Prof. Goel.
To survive, exist and excel in lockdown, we need to become street SMART (Simple, Moral, Action Oriented, Responsive and Transparent), told Professor Goel.
We may not be able to get the job of choice in times of severe crisis of unemployment but gives decent salary required to be performed with love, said Prof. Goel.
We have to understand the earning a living and doing for living with love as Needolove for work, told Prof. Goel.
We can achieve morality, opulence, victory, and empowerment to participate in the socio-economic development with the common sense approach of needonomics, told Prof. Goel.