NIT Manipur is the Regional Coordinating Institute of Manipur State for Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), a flagship national program of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, since 2014, envisioning the transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the architecture of an inclusive India.

It has now become a national level program that uplifts the rural scenario of India with a large number of institutions associated with it. National Institute of Technology (NIT), Manipur has been assigned as Regional Coordinating Institute of Manipur State and also as a participating Institute headed by Prof. P. Albino Kumar (Dean Academics NIT Manipur) and Babita Khwairakpam (Coordinating Staff).
As the Pandemic novel Coronavirus (COVID -19), have created much of the world off-guard and hit hardest to the poor and the especially the villagers, different agencies, NGOs, others Helping Hands have been helping the needy and are innovating things in this critical time of health issue. Without exception, the Manipur state is also severely affected in all aspects- socio-economy, health, education etc. The rural lives, especially villagers are affected due to LOCKDOWN by the Government to curb this pandemic virus. A One day programme on “Sustainable Village Development Plan with People’s Participation during COVID-19” was conducted at Sadokpam Village on 29th July 2020 by UBA, NIT Manipur. The UBA team along with the coordination of the village Club members conducted the programme by maintaining social distances and Government health protocols.

Firstly, all the villagers were provided with a mask and hand sanitised and followed by the awareness through the public address system on how to maintain social distancing during collection of essential commodities. NIT Manipur, UBA team have distributed 7 main essentials commodities – 1 Kg Onion, 1 Kg Potato, 1 salt, 1 Kg Dal, ½ Kg Mirch, ½ Litre Oil and one soap.
Almost 250 families benefited from this programme. Throughout the programme, the volunteers monitor the maintaining of the social distancing amongst the villagers in the queue. Above this, 35 masks were distributed to all the shops of the Villages. By evening, the team of UBA, NIT Manipur and Club arranged a vehicle with generators along with water sprayers and completely sanitised the village roads and streets with hypochlorite. All the drains were also sanitised to prevent excessive mosquito breeding during this summer.

The villagers were also educated with awareness on regular use of masks, social distancing and minimization of shopping & meetings (sabha) to prevent this deadly virus.
Prof. P. Albino Kumar informed that there are various activities being planned and the institution has taken up, but due to the pandemic various protocol had to be maintained and his team is taking necessary precaution and continuing their work.