Airlines are advised not to charge any additional amount for issuing boarding passes at the airport check-in counters

Under the provision of sub-rule (2) of Rule 135 of Aircraft Rules, 1937, the airlines are required to display the fare structures on their websites. Details of existing airfares are available on the website of the respective airlines. The Government has received a few references regarding airfares in the Gulf sector from the Members of Parliament and from the Government of Kerala.
With the repeal of the Air Corporations Act in March 1994, tariff fixation has been deregulated and airlines are free to fix reasonable tariffs under the provisions of sub-rule (1) of Rule 135 of Aircraft Rules, 1937 having regard to all relevant factors, including the cost of operation, characteristics of service, reasonable profit and the generally prevailing tariff.
Airfare, in normal circumstances, is market driven and is neither established nor regulated by the Government. Air ticket prices generally vary depending upon the market forces. Airline pricing runs in multiple levels {buckets or Reservation Booking Designator (RBDs)} which are in line with the practice being followed globally. Due to dynamic fare pricing, the tickets bought in advance are much cheaper than those purchased near the date of travel.

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is the safety regulatory authority for the civil aviation sector. Under sub-rule (4) of Rule 135 of Aircraft Rules, 1937, where the DGCA is satisfied that any airline has established excessive or predatory tariff under sub-rule (1) or has indulged in oligopolistic practice, the DGCA may, by order, issue directions to such airline.
It has come to the notice of MoCA that airlines are charging an additional amount for issuing boarding passes to the passengers. This additional amount is not in accordance with the instructions given in the aforesaid order or as per extant provisions of Aircraft Rules, 1937.
In view of the above, the Airlines are advised not to charge any additional amount for issuing boarding passes at the airport check-in counters, as the same cannot be considered within the ‘tariff’ as provided under Rule 135 of the Aircraft Rules, 1937.
This was stated by the Civil Aviation Ministry in a communique.

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