‘Like this thousands are killed at all locations to make paint brushes. Do remember it while going for shopping.’

Around 29,166 paint brushes were seized by Wildlife Crime Control Bureau at Maharashtra. It is estimated that about 650 mongoose were killed to make these brushes. Paintbrushes made using Mongoose fur were collected from some major cities in Maharashtra on 24th October, 2019.
Various shops in Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Sindhudurg and Aurangabad were raided. 29,166 brushes were seized and 15 people were arrested. They were all booked under the Wildlife Protection Act,1972. Shops in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala were also successfully raided.
The Mongoose is protected species under WPA 1972 and falls under schedule 2. India is home to 6 species of mongoose out of which the Indian grey mongoose is most common in this illegal trade. Fur from average sized mongoose is equivalent to 45 paintbrushes. That means approximately 650 mongoose were killed for brushes sold in Maharashtra alone.
The raid was undertaken by Wildlife Crime Control Bureau along with the assistance of AWA – Artists With Animals in Association with WWA- Wildlife Welfare Association, WTI – Wildlife Trust of India and Maharashtra Forest Department. Based on the survey done by the team, the raids were conducted at a staggering 22 shops across 5 Districts with 6 team members allocated per shop in Maharashtra.
AWA – Artists With Animals a non profit organisation stated that though many synthetic options are available in market, these brushed are preferred for its retention capacity and sharp finishing rendered by them. The organisation which was involved in the the survey showed their gratitude and thanked each and every member who supported in this operation and made it a huge success. The efforts of each volunteers of the organisation who did all the hardwork and put in the efforts of travelling far and wide to conduct the surveys are worth mentioning.
Praveen Kaswan an Indian Forest Service officer with more than fifty four thousand followers in tweeter appealed ‘like this thousands are killed at all locations to make paint brushes. Do remember it while going for shopping.’