PM-JAY Startup Challenge

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The PM-JAY Startup Challenge is live and are calling for innovators to solve for better healthcare in India.



  • Start Date: 1st Oct 2019
  • Valid Till: 15th Nov 2019
  • Result Date: 16th Dec 2019

Ayushman Bharat PMJAY Start-Up Grand Challenge in partnership with Startup India is a call to action for the Indian start-up community to generate cutting-edge solutions for supporting the National Health Authority towards more effective implementation of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) and empowering 500 million people to gain access to affordable healthcare.

The PM-JAY Startup Challenge is live and are calling for innovators to solve for better healthcare in India.

It is a unique, first-of-its-kind opportunity for start-ups to be a critical participant and stakeholder in implementing AB-PMJAY, the largest government-funded health assurance scheme in the world.

Startups engaged in sectors such as Medical Devices, Digital Health, Health Communications, Hospital services and Hospital Management, Medical workforce training and capacity building, among others are invited to solve a set of problem statements reflecting critical

Be a part of the largest government-funded health assurance scheme in the world.

Apply now:

Problem Statement

• How to reduce the cost of services at the point of care?

• How to ensure quality of care?

• How to maximize beneficiary awareness?

• How to maximise pre and post-treatment engagement?

• How to enhance the quality and security of data?

• How to build and maximise capacities of health workforce?

• How can we develop robust and real time fraud and abuse detection systems leveraging AI/ ML?


Fiscal Incentives

Winner per problem statement will receive cash price of INR 2 lakhs

Non-Fiscal Incentives

I. Opportunities for testing and validation

Get quick access to top notch healthcare providers for conducting pilots, testing and validation opportunities.

II. Technology development and refinement

Get connected with top institutions in healthcare and allied sectors for technology development, refinement, and manufacturing support.

III. Procurement

Get public procurement support for startup products and services.

IV. Work with State Governments

Support state governments in implementation of AB-PMJAY

V. Mentorship

Get mentorship from top healthcare corporates for adoption and business scale-up

VI. Funding connect

Get connected with funders for commercialisation and/or scale-up of product/service.

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