The live stream can be seen at

Governor of Nagaland R N Ravi will be speaking in a Facebook Live Sessions on China on 24 July 2020, at 11:30 AM
Organized by Intellectual Forum of North East in collaboration with Our North East, the session is going to be of importance looking into the border face of with China and the strategic shift in the Indo-China relationship, where Northeast India is vulnerable in the case of China’s aggression in the Eastern theatre and 1962 war is not far bygone.
RN Ravi who also acts as the interlocutor between NSCN (IM) and Government of India and his recent relationship with the group being not very cordial, it will be interesting to note what angle Ravi touch upon when he speaks about the insurgency issue of the region vis a vis role of China.
Intellectual Forum of North East (IFNE) is a think tank organization formed in the year 2016 by young dynamic people working in various fields with the overall development of Northeast in mind.
On 25 July, at 04:00 PM another live event will be streamed titled – India, Nepal & China: Twists & Turns by Prof. Nani Gopal Mahanta, Director, Center for South-East Asia Studies, Gauhati University.
The live stream can be seen at