These units will, however, take at least three months to be built

Skyshop Impex Pvt Limited and Parkeen Brothers signed a watershed contract in holding hands with “Tata Advanced Systems” in setting up more than 460 pressure swing adsorption (PSA) units (Oxygen Plants) under a Union government tender that concluded.
The oxygen plants are being set up across India, so said the enthused CEO & MD Dr. Rahul Banerjee of Skyshop Impex.
These units will, however, take at least three months to be built.
The Union Ministry of Health had floated a similar tender for PSAs in October 2020 for 150 district hospitals, but most of these units were not set up. Taking the three-month timeline for the current tender as the benchmark, these PSAs could have come up by now had the award of tenders been done in November 2020. This tender was issued on 21 October 2020 and bids were opened on 11 November 2020.
PSA plants derive oxygen from the atmospheric air, which is purified and supplied through pipes to patients. Such oxygen is required to have 99.5 percent purity.
While these units will be set up within hospital premises and help tide over transportation bottlenecks; concentrators can be installed at home which works on a similar principle. Concentrators, however, cannot be used to treat all patients, and oxygen support is required depending on the severity of the condition.
Skyshop & Parkeen has been entrusted with this humongous task of supporting the installations
Our puny way to contribute to the “Health Space in India” so said Dr Rahul Banerjee and Nakul Shah (of Parkeen) in unison.

“I remember an evening. I sent out a fervent request to my senior in school (an acclaimed doctor settled in CA) to send me an Oxygen Concentrator. This was to help someone gasping for breath under an attack from Covid-19” reminisced Dr. Banerjee
Dr. Gurdip Flora sent him one without a wink and this saved a life including the import of more faith & belief in humane support.
“I pledge our efforts on setting up these plants and support thereof in the memory of early lives lost and for those who would live the pains for years”
“My heartfelt gratitude to Mrinalini Shrivastava, IG & current Commissioner (Investment & Planning) now posted at Sikkim house who has provided leadership support in seeing this through Nakul Shah MD Parkeen in joint consortium with us and Tatas in this noble venture.
Dr Rahul Banerjee remembered his schoolmate Mukul Swaroop who provided his emotional & peer support in this venture.
“It’s not the money or commercial worth in the venture we are associated with – It’s the opportunity & honour to be part of a promise to be fulfilled in our own small way “
“We start with Kohima next week, Mind you, we would take days to reach Kohima from Guwahati as there are no flights and roads are hilly and full of roundabouts – however no points proved – North-East-needs is equally a priority as that stares rest of the country”
He Acknowledged his team members Jitendra Meena, Ranjit Singh, and their silent mentors Satishkumar Shrivastava ji and Yogi Priyvrat Animesh ji for his perennial guidance & blessings.