To give the best shape to the quality of higher education, we need to produce human capital more than half-baked products as careless and useless for the employers said, Prof. Goel

“We have to develop the power of observation as art by devoting time on what, why, when, where for whom to work without worries and take small but significant steps instead of big-bang approach for NAAC accreditation” opined Former Vice-Chancellor Professor M.M. Goel, a known Needonomist from Kurukshetra. He was delivering the inaugural address at the capacity building workshop on ‘NAAC Accreditation’ organized by Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala on May 1.
The SWOT analysis of an institution with best practices adopted can help to know the performance level and required changes as a simple process of planning improvement and keep us relevant, said Prof. Goel.
We need to change our perception in the society as teachers called national assets on two days only including teachers day and national education day and rest of the 363 days as assets without ‘t’ i. e asses ( donkeys) with continuous introspection on the role in the society, believed Prof. Goel.
To ensure governance and leadership, we need to become street SMART (Simple, Moral, Action-Oriented, Responsive, and Transparent), told Professor Goel.
To give the best shape to the quality of higher education, we need to produce human capital more than half-baked products as careless and useless for the employers said, Prof. Goel.
To facilitate optimal learning outcomes, we have to focus on extra-curricular activities as the research studies reveal the positive effect on students for becoming responsible, told Prof. Goel.
We have to use Google form for data collection for feedback from the stakeholders including students and teachers with alertness, awakening, and awareness of the misuses of artificial intelligence, told Professor Goel.
There is a need for policy implication-oriented research and not only t – value significance at 95 percent level of significance with many disconnections. The research should provide policy implications for facing the challenges in ensuring the physical quality of life with the environment of work culture said, Prof. Goel.
Education can be made socially beneficial only if undertaken in accordance with NAW (Need, Affordability, and Worth) the approach of the educational services told Prof. Goel. Dr.Kulwinder Kaur coordinator of IQAC delivered a welcome address and presented a citation on the achievements of Prof. M.M. Goel. Principal Dr. Archna Garg proposed a vote of thanks. Dr.Anupam Shabarwal acted as master of ceremony on the occasion.