This itself speaks much louder of the damage we have done to Mother Earth

M. Asnikumar Singh, (Environmentalist) , Chairman, Manipur Development Society(MDS) and who is also Spokesperson BJP Manipur Pradesh told KRC about his view on World Earth Day:
He said “ Maybe this pandemic be our Mother Earth’s message to all of us”. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
Asnikumar Singh said; today, the 22nd of April marks the Earth Day with the theme “Restore Our Earth”. As with each passing year, the need for self introspection becomes greater than the last. We always talk about the word ‘environmental protection’ but actions always mean louder than words. Our prevailing attitude while dealing with the precious gifts of Mother Earth is the most visible and perhaps the greatest cause of our downfall.

The irony is that those with we share our earth with (plant, animals and other species) seem to live their life in a more aesthetically and spiritually fulfilling manner when the whole world is almost getting shut due to a deadly pandemic. This itself speaks much louder of the damage we have done to Mother Earth and to those who we share it with. Maybe this pandemic is Mother Earth’s message to all of us to stop fiddling with it and become responsible residents for us living in the present and for the coming generation most importantly.The sooner we get our act straight the better it will be for our future.
Further he said ; One knows things have turned really worse when fresh air is being sold in plastic bags in some corners of the globe. Is this really what we want to leave behind for our coming generation? We ought to set a better example for our beautiful children. That example can be set by real, dedicated and cooperative actions for a better earth.