Statement made on Twitter by Pravin Sawhney, Ex-Army and Author
Modi government is determined to cut it’s nose to spite its face. By adopting US standards for emerging technologies in order to cut off China’s technologies, India will end up as total loser for four reasons:
1. US technologies will not be compatible with those with most Global South nations which will adopt Chinese technologies. This will make India’s commerce & trade with Global South (where it belongs) increasingly difficult in coming years
2. US will not share ‘source codes’ of it’s technologies with India. They will (a) exploit huge Indian market to make profits (b) use Indians to scale up their capabilities against China & (c) will keep IPRs outside India
3. India will become American vassal state (shameful for country of India’s size & resources)
4. With rapid geopolitics changes, it is clear that GDP of Global South will continue to increase relative to Global North. 80 percent of world population lives in Global South. So, India will be inside the fence in a small cage/ echo chamber of western nations. This will not help 800 million (80 crore) Indians who live below poverty line. Only the rich will become richer!
~ Pravin Sawhney, Ex-Army and Author