Twitter War of Words

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Statement made on Twitter by Mahesh Jethmalani, Senior Advocate, SC

KRC Times Tell Tale Teaser Team

There was always something rotten in the State of #Mamata’s West Bengal. A neo Fascist party whose local leaders were no more than viciously violent Mafia bullies has for long unleashed a reign of plunder of state resources & patronage, unabashed extortion, forcible dislocation of the poor from their lands and the appropriation of these to their own use, political and communal mass murders and unspeakable gender violence including rape.

If we thought that things couldn’t possibly get worse in the State the #TMC administration had a macabre surprise in store for us : the heart wrenching sadism of the #Abhaya episode. The hospital administration and police response has already been severely castigated by the Calcutta High Court and the investigation of the heinous crime transferred to the #CBI. Since #Abhaya constitutes the very acme of a crime of extreme depravity it behoves the CBI to provide a very expeditious intimation to a numbed Indian public to these questions:

1. What was the motive of the dastardly crime?

2. Who were its perpetrators and colluders?

3. Who was responsible for what seems to be a highly probable cover up –

4. Who and/or what criminal activity qua the medical college was sought to be shielded ?

5. Who ordered the cover up?Providing the answers to these questions cannot seriously test the premier investigating agency of the country

~ Mahesh Jethmalani, Senior Advocate, SC

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