The BSF Mahila Prahari’s have proven their mettle in that today they are no lesser in the performance of their duties and are now shouldering the responsibility of safeguarding the border of our nation in the line of normal Bordermen

The Border Security Force, Mizoram & Cachar Frontier on the occasion of the “International Women’s Day” acknowledges the courage of the BSF Mahila Prahari’s as they are coming out as a strong, confident and capable Prahari Women. The BSF Mahila Prahari’s have proven their mettle in that today they are no lesser in the performance of their duties and are now shouldering the responsibility of safeguarding the border of our nation in the line of normal Bordermen.
The BSF Mahila Prahari’s, be it in the line of duties such as border management / counter insurgency role, sportsmanship or ministerial works have achieved considerable milestones and even excelled in many fields such as weapon handling, intelligence collection, border management, sports, unarmed combat frisking and guard duties. The Mahila Prahari’s, along with their male counterparts, are also carrying out search and frisking at check posts, immigration points and trade routes along the borders which the force guards. This all manifest their capabilities to face various challenges that may come in day to day in the performance of their duties.
The BSF Mahila Parahari’s also managed to wow dignitaries from 10 ASEAN countries while over 100 women riders’ contingent, called Seema Bhawani, displayed 16 different gravity-defying acrobatic formations during Republic Day Celebration in the year 2018.
Through these emancipation and diversification of their roles not only in Operational duties but also in the field of sports, ministerial works and other challenging duties, the general public are now aware of the importance of the role played by the BSF Mahila Prahari’s and this is manifested by the number of women willing to join the Force.
To promote gender equality and women’s emancipation and bringing out a sense of self-confidence in them, the Border Security Force offers a unique platform in highlighting their talents and capabilities. Now spaces are also given to them in joining the rank of Subordinate Officer and Gazetted Officer in the BSF through direct recruitment.